Bunch Squad

Bunch Squad in the news - and in elected office!

Photos by Kathy Delorenzo

Our Bunch Squad members truly do it all!

Some choose to just hang out quietly on the test ride map answering the occasional customer question. Your willingness to share your family's bike life makes a world of difference to new folks and bike-curious visitors! Thank you!!

Others get out in the community - advocating for better infrastructure, attending or even organizing events, and spreading the family biking love.

Lately we've also had a couple of members take the bike life public - by writing opinion pieces, appearing in media coverage - or even getting elected!

We're delighted to highlight and celebrate those accomplishments in this space. 

Highlighting sustainability in Kansas

Bunch Squad member Jessica Carlson was featured in Mission Magazine's sustainability issue, describing how she bikes with her 3 kids and their dog - benefiting the environment, their physical health, and mental health too! 

Saving thousands in Alberta

Longtime All Star Bunch Squad member and Canada Squad Captain Sarah Bisbee appeared on CTV News to describe how her family saved over $25,000 by swapping their cars for cargo bikes. 

Advocating for better infrastructure in Kentucky

Longtime Bunch owner and recent Bunch Squad member Blake Hall appeared on Lex 18 News explaining the importance of safer infrastructure for bike riders and pedestrians and highlighting areas in Lexington that need improvement.

Sharing the lifestyle in British Columbia

Bunch Squad member Marissa Fischer wrote "Meet The New Minivan," a piece in Coast Life Magazine highlighting her family's car free lifestyle - and giving tips for an accessible, practical bike life for beginners. 

Replacing car trips in Washington, DC

Community & Inclusion manager (and longtime Bunch Squad member) Lelac Almagor appeared in a Morning Edition piece presenting ebikes as a more practical, affordable alternative to electric cars. Her kids also got to share their thoughts in the radio piece! 

Getting elected in Colorado!

Bunch Squad All Star Gina Burrows writes: 

Advocating for increased bike friendliness is something I'm really passionate about since I became a bunch rider last year. I joined the city's bicycle issues committee, and was just elected onto the transportation advisory board.

We're so proud of Gina and can't wait to see the results of family biking advocates in general, and Bunch Squad members in particular, making change in their own communities!

Photos of Jessica Carlson and family by Kathy Delorenzo for Mission Magazine!

Reading next

Dog in Original Bunch Bike with owner
NEW Tools For City Commuters!

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